PROMO: Starlink™ satellite internet equipment, installation, and (1) year of service included with any Mobile Muse studio purchase.

About Mobile Muse

First and foremost, we’re fanatics about sound control and acoustics. We always have been and we always will be.

Truth be told, it’s been a wild ride getting here. From building fabric sound panels in a storage unit for people on Craigslist to building home studios for major recording artists to full corporate office installations for the biggest companies in the world, we’re grateful for every step along the way…

…and the ones ahead.

Read Our Story

Nothing short of excellence

Trusted by the best

We typically aren't the name-dropping type. We prefer to  let our work speak for itself. That said, this seems like the appropriate place to list a few friends we've made along the way.

Our Story

Started from the bottom...

Our founder, Mike Lizarraga, is an LA musician. Fed up with a fruitless hunt for recording space in 2010, he built his own sound panels for a makeshift studio. You gotta do what you gotta do, right? Albums don’t record themselves.

Realizing how much of an improvement those simple, fateful panels made, he went down the rabbit hole. Happily.

Days and nights spent researching the technical aspects of acoustics and sound control paid off. Panel after panel, the design and quality improved. The right fabrics for the right sound. The best insulation for perfect absorption. Conjuring up images of a mad scientist yet? Perfect.

After rigorous testing with fellow musicians, he put a price tag on them and published ads on the most prestigious platform he could afford: Craigslist. Business took off. He couldn’t keep panels in the storage unit (you read that right) for more than a few days. It was time to expand.

Building a team, he launched LA Sound Panels and moved beyond building the perfect panel. It quickly became about crafting the perfect space with panels complementing and working together with the room itself.

The honed, technical prowess of evaluating a room and combining it with top-quality panels turned that fledgling company into one of the premier acoustic sound solutions providers in California. Over the years that followed, celebrities, major recording artists, major film score engineers, and industry experts came to experience acoustic perfection through acoustic sound treatments and custom built studios.

In the midst of that, Mike revisited his original need for studio rental space. The LA Sound Panels team built premium recording and mixing studios in LA for those without the space or budget to build a custom studio.

In 2022, Mike and his family moved to Austin, TX, the live music capital of the world. Wanting to expand beyond California and bring the same acoustic experiences to the rest of the country, we launched Better Sound Acoustics, offering both sound solution products and studio rentals.

So where does Mobile Muse come in…?

Those rental studios in LA booked up fast. Too fast. And real estate in LA is expensive (who knew?). What wasn’t being filled up, however, was the parking lot of the studios. Enter a stroke of genius.

We bought a box trailer and put our years of experience into crafting a space inside that’s both functional and comfortable. That trailer booked up. So we bought another one. And another one.

Now, we’re taking that blend of acoustic perfection and mobility and making it available to you. So wherever you are and whenever you need to be there, you have access to the perfect acoustical workspace. So we only have one question…

Where will you muse?